Cricket Microservices Framework
You do not need to download a half of the Internet to have your job done


4.3MB fat jar
Java 13
216 classes
16k LOC


Apache 2.0 licensed.
Hosted on GitHub.


Plain Old Java
Configuration over convention
No hidden magic

Main components

  • HTTP server
  • websocket server
  • auth module
  • headless CMS
  • H2 database
  • key-value database
  • scheduler
  • JSON serialization/deserialization

Main features

  • Hexagonal architecture
  • Event driven
  • Cloud ready
  • Low memory requirements

Quick start

Running a static web page in 1 minute

  1. Open terminal window in the newly created directory
  2. Download the latest Cricket MSF library
  3. Create your web page file in www subfolder (www/index.html)
  4. Start the service
  5. Display your page in web browser at http://localhost:7070
  6. Call example status service API at http://localhost:7070/api/status
  7. Stop the service by pressing Ctrl-C in the terminal window

Example code:
mkdir myservice
cd myservice
mkdir www
echo "Hello World!">www/index.html
java -jar cricket.jar -r -s BasicService


Consider sponsoring the framework

Cricket is available under the Apache 2.0 license, and you can use it for any application for free. I continue to provide new features and care about its quality, but it is not easy without financial backing. You can support Cricket's development using the following methods:


IT consulting services including software design and implementation.

Support in the implementation of microservices based on Cricket MSF.